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Photo of daniel antonio crespo villate Cuba

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RESUME Name: Daniel Antonio Crespo Villate Date of birth: June 21, 1953 Level of education: Middle Asst further studies to 2do.ao University (Fac technology) formation in the Paint: Self-taught although with limited courses of instruction in adolescent and adult stages. Address: Calle 280 505 e / 5. AND 9. Playa Santa Fe. Playa. C. Havana Make my first painting studies between the years 1966 to 1968, while attending school the center basically of Marianao Ciudad Escolar Libertad, in the school...
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RESUME Name: Daniel Antonio Crespo Villate Date of birth: June 21, 1953 Level of education: Middle Asst further studies to 2do.ao University (Fac technology) formation in the Paint: Self-taught although with limited courses of instruction in adolescent and adult stages. Address: Calle 280 505 e / 5. AND 9. Playa Santa Fe. Playa. C. Havana Make my first painting studies between the years 1966 to 1968, while attending school the center basically of Marianao Ciudad Escolar Libertad, in the school recibclases interest in a circle of Plastic Arts direcciny under the teaching of teachers in the San Alejandro Academy (mainly the teacher Frank). At that stage, participate in art exhibitions at the following levels: Municipal Exhibition held at the school in Liberty City Library Marianao (Ave 51 and Calle 100). Provincial level (a children's painting exhibition and Youth held in Havana Ciudad Libertad, year 1967 National level (year 1968). Collective Exhibition of paintings with the theme Solidarity with no I of the Third World, based in the National Library JosMarty in major educational centers in the country. Between the years 1969 to 1973, interrupting the artistic learning to study and graduate as a technician half metallurgy (thermal treatment of metals). In these 4 years of study, one of the subjects was drawing s basic manufacturing technician in the Ministry Sidero Mechanic (SIME) from 1973 to 1980 year I move that the company projects Technological Advice, vindome stated inter alia to develop working drawing technician (industrial planning design task) of different complexities, so I train in a complementary manner as an artist-technician, this knowledge has served me support for the paint job. In 1997, finished my work in this company, as motivated by the extinction of the Economic Relations with the USSR and the fall of the socialist camp, drastically reduced investments and projects with the metal-mechanics industry ; what reorientacin forced to work profile. I previously tried to prepare for a change of occupational activity. In 1995 I started with some custom paint jobs to individuals (tempera and oil paintings) From March to September 1996, I get the artistic painting course organized by the PEDIODISTAS UNION OF CUBA (UPEC) in coordination with the Mined and had its seat in the School of Plastic Arts of 23 and C in Vedado, Havana (a copy of certification of the course). From this date participated in the following exhibitions: May 1996: Casa de la Cultura de Plaza. Join two Colonial Landscape (70 x 50cm) in November 1998. Milan, Italy collective of Cuban Art Exhibition DALL Going for a signing sponsored MILANO SRL Farmavenda. In this case involved with the works (read / canvas): Playa Vista Antigua Jaimanitas (73 x 53 cm) (see annex) Environment Guajiro (80 x 60 cm) (Attached proof of these statements.) In early 1999 I began bond with the Casa de Cultura de Santa Fe (where I live), the cultural project relacionndome Dos Lagunas. I participated in group exhibitions, personal and other events, whose relationship below, and which can highlight the following: National Event COMMUNITY 2000. participated in the Exposition Park Trillo (Municipio Centro Habana) ma where a work was selected for the album presentation. The selection of works was conducted by the National Center of Community Culture. FIART 2001 (January 28 February 4) participation in STAND's National Community Culture Center where my work was selected as a demonstration of oil painting. In these two places involved with the work environment Solar (read / canvas) (see annex) The House of Culture in Santa Fe, he called Coconut obsequiuna my work in the Puntilla (read / canvas ) in Door Nicols noted playwright, in recognition of Santa Fe (his hometown) for the 40 years of artistic life give this author. ABSTRACT From 1996 to present I can credit my participation in the following events and exhibitions: Exhibitions local collective personal 7 National Events 1 Events 2 and 4 international exhibitions to those activities I have done work on behalf of individuals residing in our PASY in other nations. I can indicate some of the countries to which these works have been allocated: Spain (Barcelona, Seville and Madrid), Mexico, Puerto Rico, Italy, Venezuela (Caracas and Valencia) U.S. (Tampa and Miami) Argentina , Japan, Bulgaria, Russia, China and Hong Kong. These are 150 works (read / canvas), mainly in medium and also in Pequeo format. I received proposals from state institutions to include my area we work in the decoration of their offices, I can not do intention real lack of authorization as an independent artist, which invalidate the realization of contracts. I could not submit my works to the galleys of the Ministry of Culture for possible exhibiciny marketing for the same reason of not having the said authorization, or be a graduate of the school of San Alejandro and the ISA. Years ago I can not aspire to the adult class of St. Alexander of age have more than allowed. Nonetheless, I try to improve my work in the same self-taught, or visiting galleries, museums, getting catalogs, books and other materials and soliciting advice from professionals and instructors of Plastic Arts. For all these reasons, the artistic significacin representing and providing facilities for work, I aspire to - for the time - to obtain permission or RESOLUTION authorizing me as a freelance artist. Daniel Antonio Crespo Villate ________________________________ ANNEX

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